Effective Immediately EMGS, Inc. offers ASSE 6000 Series training courses through a third party testing organization called National Inspection Testing Certification (NITC). NITC credentials are recognized in every state. NITC recently revised their candidate bulletins.
The most notable changes are the minimum passing scores for an ASSE 6010 Installer, which has increased from a 75% to a 77%, and the minimum passing score for an ASSE 6020 Inspector, which has gone from an 85% to an 80%. Also, the applications used to sign up for exams have been revised.
We have updated our website to reflect these changes, and all of the new candidate bulletins and applications can be found at www.nationalitc.com. Prior to signing up for any classes, it is beneficial to review the candidate bulletins and application procedures. We are always available to assist with your questions or concerns regarding these matters.